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123 EDI Profile

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Small and mid-sized businesses (SMBs) constantly face challenges similar to those of larger companies. Large corporations exercise enormous control in the way business is conducted today and SMBs are confronted with the daunting task of responding quickly and efficiently to the rapid and complex changes demanded by the supply chain.

Previously viewed simply as a mandatory expense, EDI is now an essential and beneficial resource
- a strategic advantage in expanding sales with new trading partners.

But how can SMBs develop an automated supply chain strategy in an intensely competitive environment, where the technology is costly, complicated, and frequently inaccessible? And, where is the ROI?

The mission of 123 EDI is to provide open, affordable, and complete EDI solutions, which enable our clients to easily comply with the constantly changing logistics and document requirements in today's EDI business world. Since 1991 123 EDI has been delivering on this promise by providing a selection of effective solutions.

Founded in 1991, the company was a consulting service that assisted companies with the implementation of accounting, manufacturing, and warehousing systems. By 1993, the company began providing dynamic custom EDI solutions to its clients and forming strong alliances with strategic partners.

By 1996, the company consolidated its EDI strategy by offering and supporting EDI Engine™, a comprehensive software solution for EDI processing and integration with back office and shipping systems.

In 1999, the company completed its transformation to a broad-based solution provider and changed its name to 123 EDI to more clearly reflect its ability to adapt quickly and to provide numerous turnkey solutions.

The constant challenge for 123 EDI today is to guide our customer/partners in navigating the growth of their businesses through globalization and help them stay EDI compliant with the lowest possible Total Cost of Ownership.

About 123 edi

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